Adding a custom link to your ColdFusion Administrator in CF8

Today when I tried to add Raymond Camden’s SpoolMail ColdFusion Mail Reader on my development server whch is CF8, I noticed the change in adding a custom link to CF adminstrator. Prior to CF8 , it was like adding the link on extensionscustom.cfm wich can be found under /CFIDE/admistrator/ folder. But In CF 8 it is changed and now it is much more modular as it in an XML file named custommenu.xml under /CFIDE/admistrator/.

This is how we can add a link now :

<submenu label=”Spool Mail”>
<menuitem href=”spoolmail/index.cfm” target=”content”>SpoolMail</menuitem>

  • duncancumming

    Yeah it’s pretty nice, I added some links to my CF Administrator earlier today, including SpoolMail. One thing to watch – I think the target attribute is required, so if you want to redirect from the Administrator to another site/application, you have to specify target=”_blank” for a new window, or target=”_self” I think would work for the current window.

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