We build elegant and functional web solutions using Laravel,
React.js, Vue.js, and more..
Your Remote Happy Laravel Developers
#1 Laravel development company for Startups, Independent Software Vendors (ISVs), Internet businesses
and Internet-enabled businesses world-wide.
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Advanced Laravel development, migration to integration, from the India’s leading PHP engineers.
Emax Software is an obsessively thorough Laravel web application design and development company . We have been building products in Laravel for 6 years. Laravel is a modern PHP framework that is simple, elegant, and well-documented. It is quickly becoming a popular platform that web developers use to build large-scale web applications that are secure, scalable and perform well.
Our team loves Laravel development because of the speed of development and ecosystem of products around it including Laravel Forge, Envoyer, Lumen, Spark and many more. No matter how complex your project, our team knows how to apply the best of Laravel.
Flexibility sits at the heart of Laravel. Well-crafted Laravel means scalability, durability, and a quick time to market making it world’s most popular PHP framework of choice. Emax Software’s engineers combine cutting-edge business analysis, testing approaches, and over a decade of software engineering excellence to create Laravel applications that stay one step ahead of both user and business demand.
Interested in developing a Custom Web Application with Laravel? Enquire Now! or Call +91 9746613978 for more information about Laravel Development, Hire Laravel Developers, Laravel Outsourcing and other services provided by Emax Software.
- Will provide with a well-tested and reliable app
- Will write clean code that respects best practices
- Have expert technical knowledge in order to make the wisest choices and be efficient.
- Pay attention to details and listen to you.
- Dig into their experience to give valuable advice
- Communicate with you on a daily basis
- Are motivated by what they share with you
- ‘Grasp’ quickly
- Think and act pragmatically.
- We do new Laravel projects from scratch.
- We take over your existing code to move it into the right direction.
- We work remotely with your own team (act as virtual extension) so they can benefit from our expertise.
- We modernize your legacy application written in plain PHP or in other technologies using Laravel.
- We audit your Laravel project.
- We provide you with consulting on key issues.
- Hire a Laravel developer, who works from our office.
- Welcome an on-site Laravel developer who works on your premises for a long period.





What our clients say
Laravel Web Development Portfolio
Please have a look at our laravel works:
Digital Workflow Management Software
The requirement:
Signs Outlet, Inc, a leading sign maker based in Mississauga, Canada, wanted a secure web based internal work-flow management software to manage their whole lifecycle of an order- starting from sales leads to installation.
Also they needed customer management, inventory management and business analytics to monitor their performance- by business as a whole, by department and by employee.
Our Solution:

Emax Software has built from ground up a custom web based software which manages our client’s business leads, opportunities, sales proposals, order management, appointment system, inventory management, internal messages and resources, business analytics, user management, team creation and customer management.
The whole workflow passes through Signs Outlet’s various departments, starting from sales To accounts To design To production (pre-production and production) To installation and finally To accounts, which are effectively managed through our software now.
Business analytics and employee performance analytics are other interesting features of this software.
Technologies used: Laravel, Responsive Web, Vue.js, MySQL.
CIAO – The Check In System
The requirement:
Our client based in Arizona, needed a Check In system for a leading Casino to improve their customer service and reduce overhead.
They want to use Android tablets or touch screen PC to replace the paper sign in sheet.
Our Solution:

Emax Software have built a web based responsive Check In system, through which casino customers can sign in directly and can notify a person or department without interrupting anyone. The sign-in process is fast, easy, secure and casino staff is notified instantly. This reduces their customer service response time, improving the customer experience. Their staff knows the person’s name and exactly what they need even before they greet them.
As this application is developed in responsive format, it can run on any tablet thereby client replaced their traditional sign in sheet with Android tablets running this app for a low cost, efficient Check-In System.
Casino’s IT staff loved this low maintenance and top security of this new Check In system since there is no data stored on the device, the security risk is at it’s lowest. If it breaks, it is easy and cheap to replace compared to full-blown PC based kiosk systems. As our Check In system saves all customer data efficiently that it gives them long term reporting abilities.
Technologies used: Laravel, Responsive Web, Vue.js, MySQL.