FarCry 5 Jump Start Course which was released by Daemon few months before is not having enough content to develop a website at least we needed a better doc like we had earlier for FarCry 4.0 CMS Developer Training Course. Rather than going through various Wiki’s and blogs, if we have a PDF document like this how easy it will be for the developers to use this software. Why Daemon?? not listening to this- I certainly feel if you improve documentation part, the userbase for FarCry will go double in less time. Your hardwork is not getting fully noticed- We often can hear remarks like “FarCry CMS is TOO over the top for us” and I can undoubtfully say that it is due to lack of easy solid documents/books.
My Request is this- Daeomon should have to work on this area and release beginner level and advanced level farcry ebooks at a price.
I found your blog by chance . but i have to say that it’s great blog very useful information and very interesting subjects just greetings and good luck
i’m not going i will be always checking for updates.I’m very interested in CMS and all its related subjects.
It’s a very interesting subject I was looking around about more information but you got really what i was looking for in your article so thanks and keep it up you have a great blog .
I’m very interested in CMS and all its related subjects.